
Dr EUR ING Erik VAN WELLEN CEng IntPE(UK) FICE FRGS MCIArb is an internationally Registered Professional Engineer in maritime civil engineering with extensive technical & commercial expertise and a track record of winning and delivering international projects and improving the production and technical aspects of operations and the teams involved in them.

He has been running project in various countries in Europe, Africa and Asia and was until 2020 employed by the Dredging, Environmental and Marine Engineering (DEME) Group of companies from Zwijndrecht Belgium.

Apart from being an internationally Registered Professional Engineer, Erik is also an accredited Expert Witness and a specialist in Dispute Resolution. Operating worldwide he is available for Consultancy, Seminars, Key Note Speeches, Expert Witnessing and Dispute Resolution work.

In all this he adheres fully to the General Standards Regarding Impartiality, Independence and Disclosure as detailed in the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration, Adopted by resolution of the IBA Council on Thursday 23 October 2014.


PhD in Coastal Engineering – University of Plymouth
MSc in Maritime Civil Engineering – University of Liverpool
MSc in Industrial Civil Engineering – IHAM, Antwerpen, Belgium

Professional Memberships and Qualifications

Member of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations
Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, CEng IntPE(UK) FICE
Member of the Flemish Engineering Association
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, FRGS
Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, MCIArb
Member of the Coastal Education & Research Foundation, MCERF
Member of the Central Dredging Association
CEDR Accredited Mediator
Former member of the European Dredging Association CO2 Work Group

Attended numerous Continuous Development Courses on amongst others Lean Six Sigma, Health & Safety, Legal & Contractual Management and Management Development.

Recipient of the silver medal of honour -Tutor level- in the category Master of Science from the Belgian Royal Institute for the Elites of Labour (Koninklijk Instituut der Eliten van de Arbeid – KIEA) in 2015.