
We all make decisions all the time. It is part of life. But quite often the situations in which we must make some of the most important decisions are those where the exact outcome of each of the choice options are the least known. Think of situations like deciding to go or not go to trial, to accept or not accept an offer in a mediation, to proceed or not proceed with an investment or business opportunity, … The situations are endless. And the need for a sound decision process within a repeatable framework is therefore even more important. Wouldn’t it be great if you could somehow predict the likely future outcomes? Well, you can! And we are here to help you do just that!

The reality is however that parties have aligned interests and goals. Why else would they be contemplating making a deal in the first place? Quite often, according to research, there is actually both higher individual and mutual gain possible if only the parties can get past the negotiator’s dilemma.  Everybody involved in deal making has been there….  How much information does one give to the other parties?  How much is enough? How much is too little? Will it not be used against you? Will it make you seem as overbearing, or weak, or… The classing negotiator’s dilemma!

Using a set of proven tools and approaches we can offer a rational methodology that offers you a sound decision analysis methodology that we like to call Decisoneering. No overly complicated black boxes but sound engineering methods and mathematical techniques that we tweak together with you as our client to fit the situation faced. At the end the result is a rational, repeatable decision-making process that provides the team with insights in the decision faced, offers guidance as to the likely optimal and suboptimal paths that can be selected and takes the client’s predilection or aversion for risk into account.

With the modelers of Maverick Enterprise being both experienced engineers and accredited ADR professionals in several jurisdictions with extensive international experience, they are extremely well placed to assist you in all the above. So, feel free to contact us.

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